marți, 31 august 2010

If I were a boy...

If I were a boy
Even just for a day
I’d roll outta bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted then go
Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I’d kick it with who I wated
And I’d never get confronted for it
Cause they’d stick up for me.

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man

If I were a boy
I could turn off my phone
Tell everyone it’s broken
So they'd think that I was sleepin’alone
I’d put myself first
And make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she’d be faithful
Waitin’ for me to come home..(to come home)!!!

Ce pot doresc sa fiu baiat,n-am de ce sa imi doresc sa fiu baiat.Imi place ca sunt fata,pentru ca nu sunt ca oricare,sunt mai...speciala!Doar ca iubesc sa traiesc,uneori,ca un baiat;uneori ii apreciez si trebuia sa-mi exprim intr-un fel admiratia!!!

vineri, 27 august 2010

I feel no sympathy!!!

Nu am ce sa mai zic...chiar nu ma asteptam,nu de la aceasta persoana!!!Dar,deja,demult,am trecut de faza cand ma durea,acum doar mie scarba si punct!!!

And all the best lies,
They are told with fingers tied!
So,cross them tight,
Won't you promise me tonight
If it's the last thing you do,you'll get OUT!!! cum demult asteptam ocazia versurile de mai jos sunt cu dedicatie speciala,atat pentru persoana aici in cauza,cat si pentru alta,care nu de curand m-a dejamagit!

I never wanted to say this
You never wanted to stay,well did you?
I put my faith in you,so much faith
And then you just threw it away...You threw it away!!!

duminică, 1 august 2010

The wheels are cranking,turning!

E interesant cum totul capata alt sens,cum deodata te trezesti mergand pe alt drum.Imi place,desi doare uneori,sa stiu ca totul o sa arate intr-un final ca am dreptate,am avut dreptate!Si totusi,cum niste lucruri puternice se pot transforma asa de usor in scrum,cum deodata numai exista,cum nu te mai intereseaza?!Well,nu stiu sa raspund,nu vreau raspuns,e mai interesant asa...doar momentan pot sa spun ca imi place ce intorsatura a luat viata mea.Ce as putea dori mai mult?!Daca acum o saptamana nu stiam ce vreau,acum stiu!Daca acum o saptamana "tu" erai in prin plan,acum "el" e!Daca acum o saptamana nu stiam multe lucruri,acum le stiu!Si daca stau sa privesc in urma,de 3 luni viata mea trece de la o extrema,la alta,de la o situatie la alta si tot asa si totusi acum pot sa spun ca in ciuda la toate astea momentan sunt mai sigura pe mine ca niciodara si stiu exact ce vreau...mai bine ca niciodata!
Vreau felul asta de viata!Ador felul asta de viata!...just...

It's never been like that
It's never been like that
It's never been like that
It's never been like that
It's never been like that
It's never been like that
It's never been like that
It's never been like that